• Welcome to the Foundations of Leadership Community of Practice (CoP) Training discussion forum! We're excited to have you as part of this engaging community where learning and collaboration thrive. 

      In this forum, you'll not only have the opportunity to access assignments that will enhance your understanding of leadership foundations but also actively participate in discussions that will enrich your learning experience. This space is designed to foster meaningful interactions among participants, allowing you to share insights, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the key concepts covered in the training.

      Thank you for being a valued member of the Foundations of Leadership CoP Training discussion forum. We look forward to your active participation and contributions!

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Available courses


A thinking tool to help you reflect on your dream life, formulate a...

Demo Course

This is demo course to show you how these all work!

Positioning Leaders to Multiply Impact – Building a Culture of Learning

Course AbstractAs the competition to attract top talent increases, ...

Delegation and Accountability

This course walks through the importance of Delegation in the workp...

test course one

Overall course summary

Always Be Hiring: Developing a More Robust Talent Pipeline

You know the saying, Always be Hiring, well it's true. In today's T...